Amazing Badshahi Mosque Video And Why It’s A Must See In Lahore!
Looking for some Badshahi Mosque video? Look no further! This video portrays my first feelings of travelling in Lahore, Pakistan. I visit Badshahi Mosque and it completely changes not only the way I travel now, but also how I see things in day-to-day life.

Is Pakistan Safe For Women To Travel?
Is Pakistan really that safe for women to travel to? I have a chat with Zainab Khan a Pakistani woman from Switzerland who visits Pakistan as an adult for the first time. She shares her thoughts on whether she thinks Pakistan is safe for female foreign visitors (both Pakistani and non-Pakistani). This is what she has to say…

6 Cool Mediterranean Destinations You Don't Hear About
What comes to mind when you think about traveling to the Mediterranean? In all likelihood, it’s Greece and Italy first, with Croatia and the South of France perhaps next on the list. These destinations are great, but there’s mo much more to see…

6 Reasons This is the Best Lisbon Food Tour
Lisbon is quickly establishing itself as a major European foodie capital. With so many contemporary Portuguese popping up it can be difficult to navigate your way to the best food. This food tour takes all the guessing work out and brings you to some really delicious hidden gems!

The Best Phuket Elephant Sanctuary – Green Elephant Sanctuary Park
During our trip to Phuket we wanted to meet some elephants, but we wanted to make sure that we weren't supporting the torture of these lovely animals. At an Elephant Sanctuary you can spend a day taking care of elephants that have been rescued from trekking centres.