3 Simple Skills You Should Learn Before You Travel

Travelling is great for both the body and mind but let's be honest, it's not always plain sailing. Many mishaps await, from getting lost when you're out and about on your travels to language issues when you're trying to ask for directions in a foreign country.
However, many of the issues you will encounter can be overcome if you learn a few essential skills. You will then have better peace of mind when travelling, as you will be more equipped to take on the challenges ahead of you. So, with this in mind, let's consider the skills you should learn before you travel.
1. Map reading
It's always a good idea to download a GPS app on your phone when you're travelling, as this could be a real life-saver if you do get lost in the middle of nowhere. However, this doesn't mean you shouldn't learn how to read a map. You might lose your phone or suffer a loss of signal, and the battery could run out too! If you know how to read a map, you could put yourself on the right path if you have taken the wrong turn. You would be able to navigate busy city centres too and better find your way through any other unfamiliar area you wander into. So, while your phone can be useful, being able to map read is a good backup for you. It also reduces the risk of your phone getting stolen or damaged, as you wouldn't be so reliant on it!
2. Learning the lingo
What do you do when you don't know how to get somewhere? You ask for directions, of course, but this won't be possible if you don't know the local language. You will struggle to order food too, and haggling at market stalls will be very difficult if you don't understand what the other person is saying. You can try to act out what you need to say, but you might get some very funny looks from nearby tourists, especially if you're trying to act out your need to go to the loo! So, download a language app on your phone or take a class before you travel. You will be better able to manage your travel needs if you do, and the locals will appreciate your efforts.
3: Campfire building
If you're planning to camp out in the great outdoors, you should always know how to make a campfire. Not only will it keep you warm when the air is cool in an evening, but you will be able to cook food on it too. We aren't only talking about the food you bring from home either. You could learn other associated skills, such as fishing, as you would be able to eat the food you catch if you use bait that works. You could also roast marshmallows, which is something everybody should do when out camping.
Travelling offers scope for plenty of learning opportunities, but the skills mentioned here should all be learned before you pack your bags. So, consider our suggestions and take all the steps necessary to improve your learning ahead of your next travel adventure.
Photo by Tabea Damm on Unsplash

Ryan is an entrepreneur from Toronto, Canada who moved to London, England quit his job as a PE teacher and started two successful companies by the age of 29 working out of his home office.
Ryan is a digital marketing consultant who helps business leaders and entrepreneurs rebrand themselves and their companies and profit wildly in the process.
Ryan’s clients are some of the most successful business men and women in London and he has helped them and their business take the digital world by storm.