How to Make Money While Traveling the World

Last year, the world introduced a working concept that many had never previously explored. Working from home.
Yes, the pandemic forced millions of office workers all over the world to unplug from their office computers and set up camp at home- anywhere they could find a surface to do so.
What was set to be ‘a few weeks’ has now lasted over a year and people are beginning to feel the creative pull of being able to do something other than traditional office work. Not only that- they now want to think of creative ideas for them to be able to make money wherever they are.
Thanks to the internet- this is becoming more and more possible for people.
So, if you want to learn how you can make money from anywhere in the world, why not try some of these ideas?
Selling Goods
If you live a life of travel, selling some of the goods you find on your travels may be a good way for you to make money. Provided you check the legality of some of the things you are shipping for both the country you are in and the destination country you are sending the items to- worldwide shipping is becoming easier than ever.
You also have the option of choosing pick up/collection only options if customers are closer by. Buy products in bulk with a smaller price per unit to make sure you can cover your costs and bring in the profits you need, too.
Blogging and Blogger Outreach
Blogging is a very easy way to make money wherever you are in the world. If you want to be able to sit on a balcony overlooking the ocean while sipping on an iced coffee, then it’s possible to do that while also paying towards your lifestyle.
If you have thoughts and feelings, products and styles that you just love to talk about, then the chances are that there are people in the world who will want to read about it, too. Can you really make money by blogging? Yes- you can. You can reach out to brands who cater towards your target audience, use affiliate marketing using link building. You can also sell advertising space on your blog to brands. The more people click on those links, the more money that gets made for both you and the business that you are working with.
The more blogs you write, the more opportunity there is for you to make money from it.
Make Videos About Your Experiences
YouTube has become an extremely viable way of making money for many people all over the world for many years now. Travel video blogs (known as vlogs) are popular, too. These days if people are planning on visiting a country or city, then they will search online for people's experiences. They may find blogs (see above) or vlogs where they can see, first-hand what people saw and did in that city. Ads work in the same way, but most youtubers will tend to earn around $18 per 1000 ad views.
Cover Photo by Bojitha Wimalasiri on Unsplash

Ryan is an entrepreneur from Toronto, Canada who moved to London, England quit his job as a PE teacher and started two successful companies by the age of 29 working out of his home office.
Ryan is a digital marketing consultant who helps business leaders and entrepreneurs rebrand themselves and their companies and profit wildly in the process.
Ryan’s clients are some of the most successful business men and women in London and he has helped them and their business take the digital world by storm.