Here's How To Become A Digital Nomad

The internet is a wonderful place where practically anyone can turn their passion into a business. If you've ever dreamed of being location independent and working from the beach, here's how to become a digital nomad!
To become a digital nomad, you'll need an area in which to work. It doesn't matter if this is your apartment, a coffee shop, or the beach. It could even be your laptop in bed at your hotel. It is wise to stay and travel at affordable rates at first, just until your income is stable. Try 3-Star hotels and use public transport or try electric scooter rental to get around if you’re in a city.
Internet Access
The most important thing to consider when choosing this lifestyle is Internet access. There are many ways to get fast internet without paying for it. The first option you can try is finding a local coffee shop, using their wifi for free, and maybe buying a little something (just enough not to be rude). Another option is to ask around your neighbourhood and see if someone will let you set up shop at their house. If all else fails, you can go onto one of the many websites like SpareHire, where you can find a computer/internet for a certain amount of time. Keep in mind that the internet is also your work phone, so you'll want to make sure there's mobile reception wherever the office may be.
What Business
The next step is deciding what business you'll run from said location. There are many sites like Etsy where you can create a seller account to sell your goods. If you're crafty, Etsy is by far one of the best platforms out there; handmade items are in high demand, and this site will make sure you find all sorts of customers who want to buy them.
Another option is Upwork. This platform connects freelancers to employers, but the great thing about it is that you get to choose which jobs are worth your time. Upwork has clients looking for every type of skill imaginable, so the choice is yours. You'll have to sift through a ton of positions at first, but once you've built up a portfolio of completed projects, you'll rarely ever need to look for work again.
The third option is to start an online business. With this, you'll want to find a specific market and research the demand for your products. Suppose your website generates more visitors than it can handle. In that case, you'll probably be able to monetize the site and make some extra income.
Writing articles is another excellent way to make money from your laptop. You can start a blog on Tumblr or WordPress, find topics that people in your area of expertise care about, and share your knowledge with the world. If you don't want to create an entire blog, you can try one of the many companies that pay you for your written content. You get paid per article, so it's just like getting paid to surf the web all day long!
Take The Leap
The final step is to get out there and make this dream a reality. Sign up for an account with some freelancing sites (Upwork, Fiverr), find clients on your own, and get selling. If you're not making money from selling goods from home, start writing articles online. Before long, you'll be a full-fledged nomad.
A word of advice: Digital nomadism can sometimes be incredibly lonely, so try to balance it with some time spent in the real world.
Photo by Jane Palash on Unsplash

Ryan is an entrepreneur from Toronto, Canada who moved to London, England quit his job as a PE teacher and started two successful companies by the age of 29 working out of his home office.
Ryan is a digital marketing consultant who helps business leaders and entrepreneurs rebrand themselves and their companies and profit wildly in the process.
Ryan’s clients are some of the most successful business men and women in London and he has helped them and their business take the digital world by storm.